Recovery is crucial to prevent injury and soreness while you are working out. This blog will outline our favorite recovery tools you can do on your own to help.
- The rule of thumb is to drink half body weight in water a day minimum
- Adjust more if you are exercising by measuring your body weight before and after a workout. The weight lost is the amount of water you have lost. Adjust your daily intake to account for the water lost.
- Proper electrolytes
- We are not a fan of Gatorade and the other sports drinks, as they contain too much sugar
- Many sports drinks also don’t have all 5 electrolytes. Added B vitamins and amino acids are big a plus
Post workout nutrition
- Wholemeal or protein shake 30 minutes after
- Replenish carb and protein to muscles to further prevent breakdown
- A protein shake with 4:1 carbohydrate to protein is ideal
- Other vitamins/minerals to look for in your protein shake
- Branch chain amino acids
- Glutamine, turmeric, probiotics, B vitamins, minerals
Foam rolling
- Check out protocol videos
- Foam rolling helps to improve muscle texture and mobility
- The best time to foam roll is
- Warm-up before activity
- Post workout as recovery
- Off days
- However be careful not to overdue. Your muscles need time to recovery also, so foam rolling every day or multiple times a day is not necessary. Like getting a massage, you wouldn’t get one every day, your muscles would get too sore.